entry #1 - new chapter .. who dis?
Hello and welcome to a new series on the blog that I am v excited about! I’ll be documenting my new chapter of life living and working in NYC. So here’s the first entry in this new series!..
This past week I traveled to New Jersey, New York City, and Vermont with my family. My whole fam and I took the train after my cousin’s wedding in New Jersey to New York City. We were in the city for 3 nights. It was great to see New York City again and to get excited about my big move. I scoped out areas to live in and started my new job as the social media marketing assistant at Egunsifoods!.
There is always so much to do in NYC and truly a never dull moment. It’s also SOOO HOT in the city right now. On Monday, Max and Charles (my brothers) were biking around Soho to Madison Square Garden when my older brother Max had a heat stroke and fainted while riding a city bike. He was rushed to the ER in an ambulance with Charles by his side the whole time. He ended up fracturing his shoulder because his shoulder caught the fall. We are SOOO grateful that his shoulder caught his fall and not his head. Thank GOD. Meanwhile, while all this was going on my mom was at the Stephen Colbert show with her friend Angela. hahaha. Max was then released from Belview Hospital later that night, and my dad and Max even WALKED home from the hospital. That’s New York living for ya!
Apart from that small hiccup, we walked a lot, drank lots of water, ate good food, and were able to enjoy each other’s company through the NYC heatwave.
I’m so looking forward to living in NYC and beginning this new chapter of my life.