building a brand/blog



The first thing to do if you’ve thought about building a blog for a while is to START. You never know if you don’t try! The two best platforms to build a website in my opinion are Squarespace or Wordpress. I’ve been using Squarespace for years. Squarespace has plenty of templates to choose from, all which are easy to manage and personalize.


Maybe it’s just me, but you don’t need fancy photo stuff (Lightroom, Photoshop a DSLR etc or a photographer) to start. Honestly half my IG/blog photos are shot on my iPhone with self timer or my mom helps me shoot them. I edit every single one of my photos with VSCO or just iPhoto filters and add a little grainnn. Don’t make it more complicated than it needs to be.

developing a style

If you’ve been following me for a while now you might remember my og Instagram theme was everything pink. Looking back I CRINGE now.. but it helped me develop a style and a following. I like to think I’ve improved since then.. haha. But over the years I’ve come to realize people follow me because they like my style whether it is my outfits, photography or me as a hooman?? IDK just be true to you and create what you want and people will choose to follow if they vibe with ya. Insta algorithm is messed up these days so honestly I’ve just been posting whatever the heck I want.. and it seems to be working???

working with brands

I always say everything is just an email away. If there is a company or brand you’d love to work with/promote why not shoot them an email? All email addresses you can find under the contact or about section on most websites. Typically starting out companies will send you product for free to promote. It takes a longgg while to start getting compensated for blog and Instagram posts.. trust me. But.. when you do start to it’s amazing. I can do a blog post on that later if you all want!!

This post is just about getting started. There are an abundant of things I could ramble on about (Reward Style, Commission links, Sponsorships etc..) so if you guys want me to talk more in depth about this world please let me know!!

But let’s be honest I’m just winging it and learning something new every damn day.

hope you guys liked this.

talk soon xx

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